
7-Year-Old Boy Shot In His Bed

A 7-year-old boy was shot during a drive-by shooting late last night.

The shooting occurred at around 11 pm Sunday at a mobile home located off McNair Street and Freeport Street, near Interstate 10.

Police forces that arrived at the scene described that a car had pulled up and opened fire on the mobile home. The boy was asleep on his bed when he was fatally shot by one of the bullets fired. Investigators also told News4SA that the boy had time to stand up and alert his mom before he collapsed in her arms.

The boy was taken to the nearest hospital as quickly as possible but sadly passed away from his injuries hours later.

Sheriff Ed Gonzalez took to Twitter to report the news and share his disgust with the situation.

The child had two other brothers, who were also home when the shooting happened and were not injured. The outside of the house was covered with shell casings.

Investigators are still looking into the case, hoping to find more evidence in the recordings of the security cameras in the area. Until now there is still no information about who was behind the shooting and the reasons for doing so.

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